Sandi Nypaver
I’ve always had to be careful about anemia/iron and my last Athlete Blood Test gave me great advice to try a timed-release iron supplement. I also used to take an iron supplement every day, but now realize an iron supplement is better absorbed when it’s taken every other day.
Co-founder of Higher Running

- Full name: It’s technically Sandra Marie Nypaver, but I always go by Sandi.
- A.K.A./Nicknames: The Riveter
- Hometown(s): Boulder, CO
- Alma mater(s): Lake Erie College
- Primary sport/event: Trail Running
- What you are working toward now: Running wise I plan on signing up for a 100k and am starting the build-up for it. Otherwise, I’m always working towards becoming a better person and making this life as meaningful as I possibly can.
- Day job (if you have one): Running Coach, aka the best day job ever!
- Proudest athletic accomplishment: Maybe winning my first 100-mile race or getting the course record at The Rut 50k. However, I did do the US Mountain Running championship a few years ago. I think the race was only a 10k, which is way out of my comfort zone as an ultra runner. Even though I placed one spot away from being on the team to go to the world championship, I am proud of myself for having the courage to be on the start line and giving it a try.
- Facepalm/most embarrassing athletic moment (bonus points for photos if you have them): I’ve long lost count of how many times I’ve fallen right in front of people.
- Funny athletic moment/memory:
- Favorite non-athletic/sports hobby/activity: I’m a bookworm and love to read.
- My personal “walk up”/motivational/current theme song is…. I have numerous Beyonce songs I’ll listen to when I need a boost of confidence, though I am liking “The Best” by Awolnation for motivation right now.
- Best junk food ever created: It depends… If I just got done with a long run I love chips- sea salt and vinegar potato chips or chips and salsa/guac. Otherwise, I normally have a sweet tooth and would say any vegan sweet treat with frosting or Ben & Jerry’s non-dairy ice cream- too many good flavors to choose from. Can you tell I have a hard time making decisions?
- Favorite recipes (please include links to one-or more if you are a kitchen whiz!): This pie crushes at parties:
- Favorite cocktail/drink of choice (if applicable): My current favorite drink of choice is the Voodoo Ranger Atomic Pumpkin Ale.
- Family info:
- Secret talent:
- Professional (non-athletic) superpower: Getting people to realize that they already know the answers, they just have to be willing to listen to themselves.
- Personal (non-athletic) superpower:
- Favorite athletic/sports book: Let Your Mind Run by Deena Kastor
- Favorite athletic/sports movie: Space Jam or Love and Basketball
- Anything else we should know about you? I believe in never passing up a carousel ride (unless it’s ridiculously expensive).