Sadi Jo Henderson
Athlete Blood Test is a resource that has been crucial to my training and athletic longevity. Using the data provided, I have been able to catch signs of overtraining early and adjust accordingly. I’ve also been able to pinpoint specific nutritional needs for my body to optimize my recovery and adaptations. What is unique and powerful about Abt is that they consider the full picture of being a female athlete and provide information about the period. Paying attention to my period and considering how my training fits into that cycle has been a new and radical concept for me. I’m grateful to be working with an athletic resource that empowers a better understanding of what it means to be a woman.

- Full name: Sadi Jo Henderson
- A.K.A./Nicknames: Speedy Sadi, Sadi Jo
- Hometown(s): Corvallis, Montana
- Alma mater(s): Corvallis High School, Boise State University, University of San Francisco
- Primary sport/event: Track and Field/Middle Distance
- What you are working toward now: The 2021 Olympic season, second year as a pro, a degree in psychology
- Day job (if you have one): Mental Health Advocate for clinic called Thrive Mental Health Therapy
- Proudest athletic accomplishment: Juggling a soccer ball with a total of 29 touches
- Facepalm/most embarrassing athletic moment Middle school basketball: thought I had a fast break and scored a basket for the wrong team with no one around to challenge me.
- Funny athletic moment/memory: Middle school basketball: Katie scoring a game winning shot facing away from the hoop and chucking the ball behind her.
- Favorite non-athletic/sports hobby/activity: Cooking, fishing, and wildflower chasing
- My personal “walk up”/motivational/current theme song is…. Put Your Records On – Corinne Bailey Rae
- Best junk food ever created: cheesecake
- Favorite recipes (please include links to one-or more if you are a kitchen whiz!):
- Favorite cocktail/drink of choice (if applicable): Spicy Marg, baby!
- Family info: Youngest of four
- Secret talent: Really good at making beds.
- Professional (non-athletic) superpower: Sleeping
- Personal (non-athletic) superpower: Empathy
- Favorite athletic/sports book: Lauren Fleshman’s unfinished book
- Favorite athletic/sports movie: DodgeBall, CaddyShack
- Anything else we should know about you? Love running in the mountains, residing in Bend, from Montana
- Anything specific about your or your brand that you want us to help you share or promote via social (keep us updated-we are happy to help)? Mental Health Advocacy and Feminism