Marisa Howard
Preferred job/title/role within your organization: Professional runner, high school cross country coach, and passionate about nutrition
Athlete Blood Test has helped provided a baseline for me to work off of as I return from pregnancy/postpartum. They have been extremely helpful in explaining my lab work to me and provided information on what I need to work on.
Join Marisa: I will be teaching an upcoming “If I knew then what I know now” seminar in Idaho, it is geared towards high school runners but open to all! November 9th, 8:00 PM at Rock and Armor in Meridian, $15 to sign up!
Hometown: Pasco, WA
Alma mater: Pasco High School

Primary Sport: Track and Field/distance running
What are you working toward now: Building back from pregnancy/postpartum. My first race will be Club Cross Country Championships in San Francisco on December 10th, 2022.
The athletic accomplishment I’m most proud of is…5th Place at the 2021 US Olympic Trials in the 3000m Steeplechase.
Facepalm/most embarrassing/funny athletic moment: Tripping over the water barrier at the 2015 US Championships, literally fully submerged in the water!
Favorite non-athletic/sports hobby/activityCooking/baking! I love baking sourdough and hope to start providing classes out of my home to teach others how to do it.
My personal “walk-up”/motivational/current theme song is….? You keep hope alive by Jon Reddick and Mandisa
Best junk or “treat” food ever created: Cinnamon Rolls or Ice CreamFavorite recipes (if you are a kitchen whiz, please include links to one or more): Kale Edamame Salad from Run Fast, Cook Fast, Eat Slow ( Fig and Pig Quiche from Run Fast Eat Slow Sourdough Hawaiian Rolls (
Favorite athletic/sports book or movie: Remember the Titans
What apps or gadgets do you use or recommend? Garmin Watch, Strive shorts (it is a new company that has sensors in their shorts that gives feedback on your muscles)
Personal (non-athletic) superpower OR secret talent: Really good baker, have done a few wedding cakes and desserts for some friends’ weddings!
Anything else that we should know about you, or that you would like to share? I am very passionate about nutrition and properly fueling your body. I received a Master’s in Nutrition and Human Performance and would love to start a program to teach high school athletes and young college athletes how to properly fuel themselves/cook/grocery shop. I think this is something we do not teach them and then expect them to perform at a high level without providing them with the proper tools.