Lauren Archer
Preferred job/title/role: Elite Distance Runner
Hometown Miami, FL

The ABT Gold panel helped me establish a personal baseline at the beginning of this marathon training cycle and direct my focus to certain nutritional needs as I began increasing mileage. 2 months later (and 6 weeks before my goal marathon), I ordered the ABT Bronze panel, which helped me recognize downward trending Iron/ferritin levels and implement supplement/diet changes to get ahead of low energy effects!
Alma mater Dartmouth College
What would like to get out of your relationship with ABT?ABT can best help me understand how my body adapts and responds to training as an athlete and as an individual. I see tremendous short- and long-term performance benefits to getting ahead of my body’s needs over periods of heavy training.
Primary Sport Distance Road Racing (marathon/half marathon)
What you are working toward now? I’m in peak training mode preparing for the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon on November 5th! (I have already taken the Gold and Bronze ABT tests during this training cycle, which have both helped me feel strong as I train at a higher volume than I ever have before.)
The athletic accomplishment I’m most proud of is…Racing my first half marathon at the 2022 Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon. Despite a really tough spring training cycle and personal life stress, I still showed up and raced a solid race that I’m proud of! I know I can run faster, but sub-1:20:00 for my first Half under the circumstances was a confidence boost.
Facepalm/most embarrassing/funny athletic moment: In my most recent race (The Virginia 10-Miler, @va10miler), I started feeling queasy as I was sprinting to the finish line. After crossing the finish line, I knew exactly what the finish line photos would like. They were just as embarrassing as expected!
Favorite non-athletic/sports hobby/activity: Curating music playlists
My personal “walk-up”/motivational/current theme song is.…?Learn To Let Go – Kesha
Best junk or “treat” food ever created:Chocolate Chips!
Favorite recipes: The best homemade granola!
Favorite athletic/sports book or movie Endure: Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance
What apps or gadgets do you use or recommend? Strava & Garmin
Personal (non-athletic) superpower OR secret talent: Making people laugh (and laughing at myself!)