Christopher Blevins
What have you been up to in 2022? I raced a pretty full World Cup season last year with a couple of stage races added in. I was 3rd in Cape Epic, podiumed at a World Cup XC and won a short track WC. This was also the first year of a new company / collective I started called Stilspoke.
Instagram: christopherblevs

What do you have your sights set on for 2023? Big goals are to win the Cape Epic and find consistency in the World Cups. I definitely believe I can win a couple rounds of World Cups and get my short-track World Champs title back.
Current Netflix/Hulu/Prime obsession? Watching the Lakers lose
Currently playing in your ear (music-wise): Samm Henshaw
Current favorite podcast? Freakonomics
Pet peeve: Dog poop